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Add, search facilities now available

This directory provides the people of and visitors to Lagos State, Nigeria with information about businesses, trades, community entities, in their locality. Initially collected by staff members of TKT Consulting, it is also open to the public in term of adding, amending entity information.

We encourage you to advertising to the many thousands expected to use this site in search of the nearest tradesman, specific shop type, schools, hotels, businesses, hospitals, police station and so on.

Please note that details can only be amended by registered account holders and we do carry out a simple check of details entered by non-tkt staff, to confirm that the entities exists where it says it does. Also we encourage you to update your details with changes (address, phone numbers, emails etc) as soon as they occur so as not to miss any opportunities.

Remember to visit our sister website for other of our services and thank you for using TKT's Lagos State Nigeria entity directories

Please register, email or call on 08o-5534-6773 if you have any queries.

Online Lagos State of Nigeria for a global presence.


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